]> git.ktnx.net Git - mobile-ledger.git/blob - app/src/main/java/net/ktnx/mobileledger/model/MobileLedgerProfile.java
account_id → accountId
[mobile-ledger.git] / app / src / main / java / net / ktnx / mobileledger / model / MobileLedgerProfile.java
1 /*
2  * Copyright © 2021 Damyan Ivanov.
3  * This file is part of MoLe.
4  * MoLe is free software: you can distribute it and/or modify it
5  * under the term of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7  * (at your opinion), any later version.
8  *
9  * MoLe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License terms for details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with MoLe. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16  */
18 package net.ktnx.mobileledger.model;
20 import android.content.Context;
21 import android.content.Intent;
22 import android.content.res.Resources;
23 import android.database.Cursor;
24 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
25 import android.os.Bundle;
26 import android.text.TextUtils;
27 import android.util.SparseArray;
29 import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
31 import net.ktnx.mobileledger.App;
32 import net.ktnx.mobileledger.R;
33 import net.ktnx.mobileledger.async.DbOpQueue;
34 import net.ktnx.mobileledger.json.API;
35 import net.ktnx.mobileledger.ui.profiles.ProfileDetailActivity;
36 import net.ktnx.mobileledger.ui.profiles.ProfileDetailFragment;
37 import net.ktnx.mobileledger.utils.Logger;
38 import net.ktnx.mobileledger.utils.Misc;
39 import net.ktnx.mobileledger.utils.SimpleDate;
41 import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;
43 import java.util.ArrayList;
44 import java.util.HashMap;
45 import java.util.List;
46 import java.util.Locale;
47 import java.util.Map;
48 import java.util.Objects;
50 import static net.ktnx.mobileledger.utils.Logger.debug;
52 public final class MobileLedgerProfile {
53     // N.B. when adding new fields, update the copy-constructor below
54     private final long id;
55     private String name;
56     private boolean permitPosting;
57     private boolean showCommentsByDefault;
58     private boolean showCommodityByDefault;
59     private String defaultCommodity;
60     private String preferredAccountsFilter;
61     private String url;
62     private boolean authEnabled;
63     private String authUserName;
64     private String authPassword;
65     private int themeHue;
66     private int orderNo = -1;
67     private API apiVersion = API.auto;
68     private FutureDates futureDates = FutureDates.None;
69     private boolean accountsLoaded;
70     private boolean transactionsLoaded;
71     private HledgerVersion detectedVersion;
72     // N.B. when adding new fields, update the copy-constructor below
73     transient private AccountAndTransactionListSaver accountAndTransactionListSaver;
74     public MobileLedgerProfile(long id) {
75         this.id = id;
76     }
77     public MobileLedgerProfile(MobileLedgerProfile origin) {
78         id = origin.id;
79         name = origin.name;
80         permitPosting = origin.permitPosting;
81         showCommentsByDefault = origin.showCommentsByDefault;
82         showCommodityByDefault = origin.showCommodityByDefault;
83         preferredAccountsFilter = origin.preferredAccountsFilter;
84         url = origin.url;
85         authEnabled = origin.authEnabled;
86         authUserName = origin.authUserName;
87         authPassword = origin.authPassword;
88         themeHue = origin.themeHue;
89         orderNo = origin.orderNo;
90         futureDates = origin.futureDates;
91         apiVersion = origin.apiVersion;
92         defaultCommodity = origin.defaultCommodity;
93         accountsLoaded = origin.accountsLoaded;
94         transactionsLoaded = origin.transactionsLoaded;
95         if (origin.detectedVersion != null)
96             detectedVersion = new HledgerVersion(origin.detectedVersion);
97     }
98     // loads all profiles into Data.profiles
99     // returns the profile with the given UUID
100     public static MobileLedgerProfile loadAllFromDB(long currentProfileId) {
101         MobileLedgerProfile result = null;
102         ArrayList<MobileLedgerProfile> list = new ArrayList<>();
103         SQLiteDatabase db = App.getDatabase();
104         try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT id, name, url, use_authentication, auth_user, " +
105                                          "auth_password, permit_posting, theme, order_no, " +
106                                          "preferred_accounts_filter, future_dates, api_version, " +
107                                          "show_commodity_by_default, default_commodity, " +
108                                          "show_comments_by_default, detected_version_pre_1_19, " +
109                                          "detected_version_major, detected_version_minor FROM " +
110                                          "profiles order by order_no", null))
111         {
112             while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
113                 MobileLedgerProfile item = new MobileLedgerProfile(cursor.getLong(0));
114                 item.setName(cursor.getString(1));
115                 item.setUrl(cursor.getString(2));
116                 item.setAuthEnabled(cursor.getInt(3) == 1);
117                 item.setAuthUserName(cursor.getString(4));
118                 item.setAuthPassword(cursor.getString(5));
119                 item.setPostingPermitted(cursor.getInt(6) == 1);
120                 item.setThemeId(cursor.getInt(7));
121                 item.orderNo = cursor.getInt(8);
122                 item.setPreferredAccountsFilter(cursor.getString(9));
123                 item.setFutureDates(cursor.getInt(10));
124                 item.setApiVersion(cursor.getInt(11));
125                 item.setShowCommodityByDefault(cursor.getInt(12) == 1);
126                 item.setDefaultCommodity(cursor.getString(13));
127                 item.setShowCommentsByDefault(cursor.getInt(14) == 1);
128                 {
129                     boolean pre_1_20 = cursor.getInt(15) == 1;
130                     int major = cursor.getInt(16);
131                     int minor = cursor.getInt(17);
133                     if (!pre_1_20 && major == 0 && minor == 0) {
134                         item.detectedVersion = null;
135                     }
136                     else if (pre_1_20) {
137                         item.detectedVersion = new HledgerVersion(true);
138                     }
139                     else {
140                         item.detectedVersion = new HledgerVersion(major, minor);
141                     }
142                 }
143                 list.add(item);
144                 if (item.getId() == currentProfileId)
145                     result = item;
146             }
147         }
148         Data.profiles.postValue(list);
149         return result;
150     }
151     public static void storeProfilesOrder() {
152         SQLiteDatabase db = App.getDatabase();
153         db.beginTransactionNonExclusive();
154         try {
155             int orderNo = 0;
156             for (MobileLedgerProfile p : Objects.requireNonNull(Data.profiles.getValue())) {
157                 db.execSQL("update profiles set order_no=? where uuid=?",
158                         new Object[]{orderNo, p.getId()});
159                 p.orderNo = orderNo;
160                 orderNo++;
161             }
162             db.setTransactionSuccessful();
163         }
164         finally {
165             db.endTransaction();
166         }
167     }
168     static public void startEditProfileActivity(Context context, MobileLedgerProfile profile) {
169         Intent intent = new Intent(context, ProfileDetailActivity.class);
170         Bundle args = new Bundle();
171         if (profile != null) {
172             int index = Data.getProfileIndex(profile);
173             if (index != -1)
174                 intent.putExtra(ProfileDetailFragment.ARG_ITEM_ID, index);
175         }
176         intent.putExtras(args);
177         context.startActivity(intent, args);
178     }
179     public HledgerVersion getDetectedVersion() {
180         return detectedVersion;
181     }
182     public void setDetectedVersion(HledgerVersion detectedVersion) {
183         this.detectedVersion = detectedVersion;
184     }
185     @Contract(value = "null -> false", pure = true)
186     @Override
187     public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
188         if (obj == null)
189             return false;
190         if (obj == this)
191             return true;
192         if (obj.getClass() != this.getClass())
193             return false;
195         MobileLedgerProfile p = (MobileLedgerProfile) obj;
196         if (id != p.id)
197             return false;
198         if (!name.equals(p.name))
199             return false;
200         if (permitPosting != p.permitPosting)
201             return false;
202         if (showCommentsByDefault != p.showCommentsByDefault)
203             return false;
204         if (showCommodityByDefault != p.showCommodityByDefault)
205             return false;
206         if (!Objects.equals(defaultCommodity, p.defaultCommodity))
207             return false;
208         if (!Objects.equals(preferredAccountsFilter, p.preferredAccountsFilter))
209             return false;
210         if (!Objects.equals(url, p.url))
211             return false;
212         if (authEnabled != p.authEnabled)
213             return false;
214         if (!Objects.equals(authUserName, p.authUserName))
215             return false;
216         if (!Objects.equals(authPassword, p.authPassword))
217             return false;
218         if (themeHue != p.themeHue)
219             return false;
220         if (apiVersion != p.apiVersion)
221             return false;
222         if (!Objects.equals(detectedVersion, p.detectedVersion))
223             return false;
224         return futureDates == p.futureDates;
225     }
226     public boolean getShowCommentsByDefault() {
227         return showCommentsByDefault;
228     }
229     public void setShowCommentsByDefault(boolean newValue) {
230         this.showCommentsByDefault = newValue;
231     }
232     public boolean getShowCommodityByDefault() {
233         return showCommodityByDefault;
234     }
235     public void setShowCommodityByDefault(boolean showCommodityByDefault) {
236         this.showCommodityByDefault = showCommodityByDefault;
237     }
238     public String getDefaultCommodity() {
239         return defaultCommodity;
240     }
241     public void setDefaultCommodity(String defaultCommodity) {
242         this.defaultCommodity = defaultCommodity;
243     }
244     public void setDefaultCommodity(CharSequence defaultCommodity) {
245         if (defaultCommodity == null)
246             this.defaultCommodity = null;
247         else
248             this.defaultCommodity = String.valueOf(defaultCommodity);
249     }
250     public API getApiVersion() {
251         return apiVersion;
252     }
253     public void setApiVersion(API apiVersion) {
254         this.apiVersion = apiVersion;
255     }
256     public void setApiVersion(int apiVersion) {
257         this.apiVersion = API.valueOf(apiVersion);
258     }
259     public FutureDates getFutureDates() {
260         return futureDates;
261     }
262     public void setFutureDates(int anInt) {
263         futureDates = FutureDates.valueOf(anInt);
264     }
265     public void setFutureDates(FutureDates futureDates) {
266         this.futureDates = futureDates;
267     }
268     public String getPreferredAccountsFilter() {
269         return preferredAccountsFilter;
270     }
271     public void setPreferredAccountsFilter(String preferredAccountsFilter) {
272         this.preferredAccountsFilter = preferredAccountsFilter;
273     }
274     public void setPreferredAccountsFilter(CharSequence preferredAccountsFilter) {
275         setPreferredAccountsFilter(String.valueOf(preferredAccountsFilter));
276     }
277     public boolean isPostingPermitted() {
278         return permitPosting;
279     }
280     public void setPostingPermitted(boolean permitPosting) {
281         this.permitPosting = permitPosting;
282     }
283     public long getId() {
284         return id;
285     }
286     public String getName() {
287         return name;
288     }
289     public void setName(CharSequence text) {
290         setName(String.valueOf(text));
291     }
292     public void setName(String name) {
293         this.name = name;
294     }
295     public String getUrl() {
296         return url;
297     }
298     public void setUrl(CharSequence text) {
299         setUrl(String.valueOf(text));
300     }
301     public void setUrl(String url) {
302         this.url = url;
303     }
304     public boolean isAuthEnabled() {
305         return authEnabled;
306     }
307     public void setAuthEnabled(boolean authEnabled) {
308         this.authEnabled = authEnabled;
309     }
310     public String getAuthUserName() {
311         return authUserName;
312     }
313     public void setAuthUserName(CharSequence text) {
314         setAuthUserName(String.valueOf(text));
315     }
316     public void setAuthUserName(String authUserName) {
317         this.authUserName = authUserName;
318     }
319     public String getAuthPassword() {
320         return authPassword;
321     }
322     public void setAuthPassword(CharSequence text) {
323         setAuthPassword(String.valueOf(text));
324     }
325     public void setAuthPassword(String authPassword) {
326         this.authPassword = authPassword;
327     }
328     public void storeInDB() {
329         SQLiteDatabase db = App.getDatabase();
330         db.beginTransactionNonExclusive();
331         try {
332 //            debug("profiles", String.format("Storing profile in DB: uuid=%s, name=%s, " +
333 //                                            "url=%s, permit_posting=%s, authEnabled=%s, " +
334 //                                            "themeHue=%d", uuid, name, url,
335 //                    permitPosting ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", authEnabled ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", themeHue));
336             db.execSQL("REPLACE INTO profiles(id, name, permit_posting, url, " +
337                        "use_authentication, auth_user, auth_password, theme, order_no, " +
338                        "preferred_accounts_filter, future_dates, api_version, " +
339                        "show_commodity_by_default, default_commodity, show_comments_by_default," +
340                        "detected_version_pre_1_19, detected_version_major, " +
341                        "detected_version_minor) " +
342                        "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
343                     new Object[]{id, name, permitPosting, url, authEnabled,
344                                  authEnabled ? authUserName : null,
345                                  authEnabled ? authPassword : null, themeHue, orderNo,
346                                  preferredAccountsFilter, futureDates.toInt(), apiVersion.toInt(),
347                                  showCommodityByDefault, defaultCommodity, showCommentsByDefault,
348                                  (detectedVersion != null) && detectedVersion.isPre_1_20_1(),
349                                  (detectedVersion == null) ? 0 : detectedVersion.getMajor(),
350                                  (detectedVersion == null) ? 0 : detectedVersion.getMinor()
351                     });
352             db.setTransactionSuccessful();
353         }
354         finally {
355             db.endTransaction();
356         }
357     }
358     public void storeAccount(SQLiteDatabase db, int generation, LedgerAccount acc,
359                              boolean storeUiFields) {
360         // replace into is a bad idea because it would reset hidden to its default value
361         // we like the default, but for new accounts only
362         String sql = "update accounts set generation = ?";
363         List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();
364         params.add(generation);
365         if (storeUiFields) {
366             sql += ", expanded=?";
367             params.add(acc.isExpanded() ? 1 : 0);
368         }
369         sql += " where profile_id=? and name=?";
370         params.add(id);
371         params.add(acc.getName());
372         db.execSQL(sql, params.toArray());
374         db.execSQL("insert into accounts(profile_id, name, name_upper, parent_name, level, " +
375                    "expanded, generation) select ?,?,?,?,?,0,? where (select changes() = 0)",
376                 new Object[]{id, acc.getName(), acc.getName().toUpperCase(), acc.getParentName(),
377                              acc.getLevel(), generation
378                 });
379 //        debug("accounts", String.format("Stored account '%s' in DB [%s]", acc.getName(), uuid));
380     }
381     public void storeAccountValue(SQLiteDatabase db, int generation, String name, String currency,
382                                   Float amount) {
383         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(currency)) {
384             boolean exists;
385             try (Cursor c = db.rawQuery("select 1 from currencies where name=?",
386                     new String[]{currency}))
387             {
388                 exists = c.moveToFirst();
389             }
390             if (!exists) {
391                 db.execSQL(
392                         "insert into currencies(id, name, position, has_gap) values((select max" +
393                         "(id) from currencies)+1, ?, ?, ?)", new Object[]{currency,
394                                                                           Objects.requireNonNull(
395                                                                                   Data.currencySymbolPosition.getValue()).toString(),
396                                                                           Data.currencyGap.getValue()
397                         });
398             }
399         }
401         long accId = findAddAccount(db, name);
403         db.execSQL("replace into account_values(account_id, " +
404                    "currency, value, generation) values(?, ?, ?, ?);",
405                 new Object[]{accId, Misc.emptyIsNull(currency), amount, generation});
406     }
407     private long findAddAccount(SQLiteDatabase db, String accountName) {
408         try (Cursor c = db.rawQuery("select id from accounts where profile_id=? and name=?",
409                 new String[]{String.valueOf(id), accountName}))
410         {
411             if (c.moveToFirst())
412                 return c.getLong(0);
414         }
416         try (Cursor c = db.rawQuery(
417                 "insert into accounts(profile_id, name, name_upper) values(?, ?, ?) returning id",
418                 new String[]{String.valueOf(id), accountName, accountName.toUpperCase()}))
419         {
420             c.moveToFirst();
421             return c.getInt(0);
422         }
423     }
424     public void storeTransaction(SQLiteDatabase db, int generation, LedgerTransaction tr) {
425         tr.fillDataHash();
426 //        Logger.debug("storeTransaction", String.format(Locale.US, "ID %d", tr.getId()));
427         SimpleDate d = tr.getDate();
428         db.execSQL("UPDATE transactions SET year=?, month=?, day=?, description=?, comment=?, " +
429                    "data_hash=?, generation=? WHERE profile_id=? AND ledger_id=?",
430                 new Object[]{d.year, d.month, d.day, tr.getDescription(), tr.getComment(),
431                              tr.getDataHash(), generation, id, tr.getId()
432                 });
433         db.execSQL(
434                 "INSERT INTO transactions(profile_id, ledger_id, year, month, day, description, " +
435                 "comment, data_hash, generation) " +
436                 "select ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? WHERE (select changes() = 0)",
437                 new Object[]{id, tr.getId(), tr.getDate().year, tr.getDate().month,
438                              tr.getDate().day, tr.getDescription(), tr.getComment(),
439                              tr.getDataHash(), generation
440                 });
442         int accountOrderNo = 1;
443         for (LedgerTransactionAccount item : tr.getAccounts()) {
444             db.execSQL("UPDATE transaction_accounts SET account_name=?, amount=?, currency=?, " +
445                        "comment=?, generation=? " + "WHERE transaction_id=? AND order_no=?",
446                     new Object[]{item.getAccountName(), item.getAmount(),
447                                  Misc.nullIsEmpty(item.getCurrency()), item.getComment(),
448                                  generation, tr.getId(), accountOrderNo
449                     });
450             db.execSQL("INSERT INTO transaction_accounts(transaction_id, " +
451                        "order_no, account_name, amount, currency, comment, generation) " +
452                        "select ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? WHERE (select changes() = 0)",
453                     new Object[]{tr.getId(), accountOrderNo, item.getAccountName(),
454                                  item.getAmount(), Misc.nullIsEmpty(item.getCurrency()),
455                                  item.getComment(), generation
456                     });
458             accountOrderNo++;
459         }
460 //        debug("profile", String.format("Transaction %d stored", tr.getId()));
461     }
462     public String getOption(String name, String default_value) {
463         SQLiteDatabase db = App.getDatabase();
464         try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(
465                 "select value from options where profile_id = ? and name=?",
466                 new String[]{String.valueOf(id), name}))
467         {
468             if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
469                 String result = cursor.getString(0);
471                 if (result == null) {
472                     debug("profile", "returning default value for " + name);
473                     result = default_value;
474                 }
475                 else
476                     debug("profile", String.format("option %s=%s", name, result));
478                 return result;
479             }
480             else
481                 return default_value;
482         }
483         catch (Exception e) {
484             debug("db", "returning default value for " + name, e);
485             return default_value;
486         }
487     }
488     public long getLongOption(String name, long default_value) {
489         long longResult;
490         String result = getOption(name, "");
491         if ((result == null) || result.isEmpty()) {
492             debug("profile", String.format("Returning default value for option %s", name));
493             longResult = default_value;
494         }
495         else {
496             try {
497                 longResult = Long.parseLong(result);
498                 debug("profile", String.format("option %s=%s", name, result));
499             }
500             catch (Exception e) {
501                 debug("profile", String.format("Returning default value for option %s", name), e);
502                 longResult = default_value;
503             }
504         }
506         return longResult;
507     }
508     public void setOption(String name, String value) {
509         debug("profile", String.format("setting option %s=%s", name, value));
510         DbOpQueue.add("insert or replace into options(profile_id, name, value) values(?, ?, ?);",
511                 new String[]{String.valueOf(id), name, value});
512     }
513     public void setLongOption(String name, long value) {
514         setOption(name, String.valueOf(value));
515     }
516     public void removeFromDB() {
517         SQLiteDatabase db = App.getDatabase();
518         debug("db", String.format(Locale.ROOT, "removing profile %d from DB", id));
519         db.beginTransactionNonExclusive();
520         try {
521             Object[] id_param = new Object[]{id};
522             db.execSQL("delete from transactions where profile_id=?", id_param);
523             db.execSQL("delete from accounts where profile=?", id_param);
524             db.execSQL("delete from options where profile=?", id_param);
525             db.execSQL("delete from profiles where id=?", id_param);
526             db.setTransactionSuccessful();
527         }
528         finally {
529             db.endTransaction();
530         }
531     }
532     public LedgerTransaction loadTransaction(int transactionId) {
533         LedgerTransaction tr = new LedgerTransaction(transactionId, this.id);
534         tr.loadData(App.getDatabase());
536         return tr;
537     }
538     public int getThemeHue() {
539 //        debug("profile", String.format("Profile.getThemeHue() returning %d", themeHue));
540         return this.themeHue;
541     }
542     public void setThemeHue(Object o) {
543         setThemeId(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(o)));
544     }
545     public void setThemeId(int themeHue) {
546 //        debug("profile", String.format("Profile.setThemeHue(%d) called", themeHue));
547         this.themeHue = themeHue;
548     }
549     public int getNextTransactionsGeneration(SQLiteDatabase db) {
550         try (Cursor c = db.rawQuery(
551                 "SELECT generation FROM transactions WHERE profile_id=? LIMIT 1",
552                 new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}))
553         {
554             if (c.moveToFirst())
555                 return c.getInt(0) + 1;
556         }
557         return 1;
558     }
559     private int getNextAccountsGeneration(SQLiteDatabase db) {
560         try (Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT generation FROM accounts WHERE profile_id=? LIMIT 1",
561                 new String[]{String.valueOf(id)})) {
562             if (c.moveToFirst())
563                 return c.getInt(0) + 1;
564         }
565         return 1;
566     }
567     private void deleteNotPresentAccounts(SQLiteDatabase db, int generation) {
568         Logger.debug("db/benchmark", "Deleting obsolete accounts");
569         db.execSQL("DELETE FROM account_values WHERE (select a.profile_id from accounts a where a" +
570                    ".id=account_values.account_id)=? AND generation <> ?",
571                 new Object[]{id, generation});
572         db.execSQL("DELETE FROM accounts WHERE profile_id=? AND generation <> ?",
573                 new Object[]{id, generation});
574         Logger.debug("db/benchmark", "Done deleting obsolete accounts");
575     }
576     private void deleteNotPresentTransactions(SQLiteDatabase db, int generation) {
577         Logger.debug("db/benchmark", "Deleting obsolete transactions");
578         db.execSQL(
579                 "DELETE FROM transaction_accounts WHERE (select t.profile_id from transactions t " +
580                 "where t.id=transaction_accounts.transaction_id)=? AND generation" + " <> ?",
581                 new Object[]{id, generation});
582         db.execSQL("DELETE FROM transactions WHERE profile_id=? AND generation <> ?",
583                 new Object[]{id, generation});
584         Logger.debug("db/benchmark", "Done deleting obsolete transactions");
585     }
586     public void wipeAllData() {
587         SQLiteDatabase db = App.getDatabase();
588         db.beginTransaction();
589         try {
590             String[] pUuid = new String[]{String.valueOf(id)};
591             db.execSQL("delete from options where profile=?", pUuid);
592             db.execSQL("delete from accounts where profile=?", pUuid);
593             db.execSQL("delete from account_values where profile=?", pUuid);
594             db.execSQL("delete from transactions where profile=?", pUuid);
595             db.execSQL("delete from transaction_accounts where profile=?", pUuid);
596             db.setTransactionSuccessful();
597             debug("wipe", String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Profile %s wiped out", pUuid[0]));
598         }
599         finally {
600             db.endTransaction();
601         }
602     }
603     public List<Currency> getCurrencies() {
604         SQLiteDatabase db = App.getDatabase();
606         ArrayList<Currency> result = new ArrayList<>();
608         try (Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT c.id, c.name, c.position, c.has_gap FROM currencies c",
609                 new String[]{}))
610         {
611             while (c.moveToNext()) {
612                 Currency currency = new Currency(c.getInt(0), c.getString(1),
613                         Currency.Position.valueOf(c.getString(2)), c.getInt(3) == 1);
614                 result.add(currency);
615             }
616         }
618         return result;
619     }
620     Currency loadCurrencyByName(String name) {
621         SQLiteDatabase db = App.getDatabase();
622         Currency result = tryLoadCurrencyByName(db, name);
623         if (result == null)
624             throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unable to load currency '%s'", name));
625         return result;
626     }
627     private Currency tryLoadCurrencyByName(SQLiteDatabase db, String name) {
628         try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(
629                 "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.position, c.has_gap FROM currencies c WHERE c.name=?",
630                 new String[]{name}))
631         {
632             if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
633                 return new Currency(cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getString(1),
634                         Currency.Position.valueOf(cursor.getString(2)), cursor.getInt(3) == 1);
635             }
636             return null;
637         }
638     }
639     public void storeAccountAndTransactionListAsync(List<LedgerAccount> accounts,
640                                                     List<LedgerTransaction> transactions) {
641         if (accountAndTransactionListSaver != null)
642             accountAndTransactionListSaver.interrupt();
644         accountAndTransactionListSaver =
645                 new AccountAndTransactionListSaver(this, accounts, transactions);
646         accountAndTransactionListSaver.start();
647     }
648     private Currency tryLoadCurrencyById(SQLiteDatabase db, int id) {
649         try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(
650                 "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.position, c.has_gap FROM currencies c WHERE c.id=?",
651                 new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}))
652         {
653             if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
654                 return new Currency(cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getString(1),
655                         Currency.Position.valueOf(cursor.getString(2)), cursor.getInt(3) == 1);
656             }
657             return null;
658         }
659     }
660     public Currency loadCurrencyById(int id) {
661         SQLiteDatabase db = App.getDatabase();
662         Currency result = tryLoadCurrencyById(db, id);
663         if (result == null)
664             throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Unable to load currency with id '%d'", id));
665         return result;
666     }
668     public enum FutureDates {
669         None(0), OneWeek(7), TwoWeeks(14), OneMonth(30), TwoMonths(60), ThreeMonths(90),
670         SixMonths(180), OneYear(365), All(-1);
671         private static final SparseArray<FutureDates> map = new SparseArray<>();
673         static {
674             for (FutureDates item : FutureDates.values()) {
675                 map.put(item.value, item);
676             }
677         }
679         private final int value;
680         FutureDates(int value) {
681             this.value = value;
682         }
683         public static FutureDates valueOf(int i) {
684             return map.get(i, None);
685         }
686         public int toInt() {
687             return this.value;
688         }
689         public String getText(Resources resources) {
690             switch (value) {
691                 case 7:
692                     return resources.getString(R.string.future_dates_7);
693                 case 14:
694                     return resources.getString(R.string.future_dates_14);
695                 case 30:
696                     return resources.getString(R.string.future_dates_30);
697                 case 60:
698                     return resources.getString(R.string.future_dates_60);
699                 case 90:
700                     return resources.getString(R.string.future_dates_90);
701                 case 180:
702                     return resources.getString(R.string.future_dates_180);
703                 case 365:
704                     return resources.getString(R.string.future_dates_365);
705                 case -1:
706                     return resources.getString(R.string.future_dates_all);
707                 default:
708                     return resources.getString(R.string.future_dates_none);
709             }
710         }
711     }
713     private static class AccountAndTransactionListSaver extends Thread {
714         private final MobileLedgerProfile profile;
715         private final List<LedgerAccount> accounts;
716         private final List<LedgerTransaction> transactions;
717         AccountAndTransactionListSaver(MobileLedgerProfile profile, List<LedgerAccount> accounts,
718                                        List<LedgerTransaction> transactions) {
719             this.accounts = accounts;
720             this.transactions = transactions;
721             this.profile = profile;
722         }
723         public int getNextDescriptionsGeneration(SQLiteDatabase db) {
724             int generation = 1;
725             try (Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT generation FROM description_history LIMIT 1",
726                     null))
727             {
728                 if (c.moveToFirst()) {
729                     generation = c.getInt(0) + 1;
730                 }
731             }
732             return generation;
733         }
734         void deleteNotPresentDescriptions(SQLiteDatabase db, int generation) {
735             Logger.debug("db/benchmark", "Deleting obsolete descriptions");
736             db.execSQL("DELETE FROM description_history WHERE generation <> ?",
737                     new Object[]{generation});
738             db.execSQL("DELETE FROM description_history WHERE generation <> ?",
739                     new Object[]{generation});
740             Logger.debug("db/benchmark", "Done deleting obsolete descriptions");
741         }
742         @Override
743         public void run() {
744             SQLiteDatabase db = App.getDatabase();
745             db.beginTransactionNonExclusive();
746             try {
747                 int accountsGeneration = profile.getNextAccountsGeneration(db);
748                 if (isInterrupted())
749                     return;
751                 int transactionsGeneration = profile.getNextTransactionsGeneration(db);
752                 if (isInterrupted())
753                     return;
755                 for (LedgerAccount acc : accounts) {
756                     profile.storeAccount(db, accountsGeneration, acc, false);
757                     if (isInterrupted())
758                         return;
759                     for (LedgerAmount amt : acc.getAmounts()) {
760                         profile.storeAccountValue(db, accountsGeneration, acc.getName(),
761                                 amt.getCurrency(), amt.getAmount());
762                         if (isInterrupted())
763                             return;
764                     }
765                 }
767                 for (LedgerTransaction tr : transactions) {
768                     profile.storeTransaction(db, transactionsGeneration, tr);
769                     if (isInterrupted())
770                         return;
771                 }
773                 profile.deleteNotPresentTransactions(db, transactionsGeneration);
774                 if (isInterrupted()) {
775                     return;
776                 }
777                 profile.deleteNotPresentAccounts(db, accountsGeneration);
778                 if (isInterrupted())
779                     return;
781                 Map<String, Boolean> unique = new HashMap<>();
783                 debug("descriptions", "Starting refresh");
784                 int descriptionsGeneration = getNextDescriptionsGeneration(db);
785                 try (Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT distinct description from transactions",
786                         null))
787                 {
788                     while (c.moveToNext()) {
789                         String description = c.getString(0);
790                         String descriptionUpper = description.toUpperCase();
791                         if (unique.containsKey(descriptionUpper))
792                             continue;
794                         storeDescription(db, descriptionsGeneration, description, descriptionUpper);
796                         unique.put(descriptionUpper, true);
797                     }
798                 }
799                 deleteNotPresentDescriptions(db, descriptionsGeneration);
801                 db.setTransactionSuccessful();
802             }
803             finally {
804                 db.endTransaction();
805             }
806         }
807         private void storeDescription(SQLiteDatabase db, int generation, String description,
808                                       String descriptionUpper) {
809             db.execSQL("UPDATE description_history SET description=?, generation=? WHERE " +
810                        "description_upper=?", new Object[]{description, generation, descriptionUpper
811             });
812             db.execSQL(
813                     "INSERT INTO description_history(description, description_upper, generation) " +
814                     "select ?,?,? WHERE (select changes() = 0)",
815                     new Object[]{description, descriptionUpper, generation
816                     });
817         }
818     }
819 }