public abstract List<TransactionWithAccounts> getAllWithAccountsFilteredSync(long profileId,
String accountName);
+ @Query("SELECT distinct(, tr.ledger_id, tr.profile_id, tr.data_hash, tr.year, tr.month," +
+ ", tr.description, tr.comment, tr.generation FROM transactions tr JOIN " +
+ "transaction_accounts ta ON WHERE ta.account_name LIKE " +
+ ":accountName||'%' AND ta.amount <> 0 AND tr.profile_id = :profileId ORDER BY tr.year " +
+ "desc, tr.month desc, desc, tr.ledger_id desc")
+ public abstract LiveData<List<TransactionWithAccounts>> getAllWithAccountsFiltered(
+ long profileId, String accountName);
@Query("DELETE FROM transactions WHERE profile_id = :profileId AND generation <> " +
public abstract int purgeOldTransactionsSync(long profileId, long currentGeneration);