so that no change is triggered when there is none
avoids some flicker when reloading the content
public static ObservableList<LedgerAccount> accounts = new ObservableList<>(new ArrayList<>());
public static MutableLiveData<Boolean> backgroundTasksRunning = new MutableLiveData<>(false);
public static MutableLiveData<Date> lastUpdateDate = new MutableLiveData<>();
- public static MutableLiveData<MobileLedgerProfile> profile = new MutableLiveData<>();
+ public static MutableLiveData<MobileLedgerProfile> profile = new InertMutableLiveData<>();
public static MutableLiveData<ArrayList<MobileLedgerProfile>> profiles =
new MutableLiveData<>(null);
public static MutableLiveData<String> accountFilter = new MutableLiveData<>();