create unique index un_patterns_id on patterns(id);
create table pattern_accounts(id INTEGER not null primary key, pattern_id INTEGER not null, position INTEGER not null, acc TEXT, acc_match_group INTEGER, currency INTEGER, currency_match_group INTEGER, amount REAL, amount_match_group INTEGER, comment TEXT, comment_match_group INTEGER, constraint fk_pattern_account_pattern foreign key(pattern_id) references patterns(id), constraint fk_pattern_account_currency foreign key(currency) references currencies(id));
create unique index un_pattern_accounts on pattern_accounts(id);
-create index fk_pattern_account_pattern on pattern_accounts(pattern_id);
-create index fk_pattern_account_currency on pattern_accounts(currency);
--- updated to revision 52
\ No newline at end of file
+create index fk_pattern_accounts_pattern on pattern_accounts(pattern_id);
+create index fk_pattern_accounts_currency on pattern_accounts(currency);
\ No newline at end of file