create unique index un_transactions_id on transactions(profile,id);
create unique index un_transactions_data_hash on transactions(profile,data_hash);
create index idx_transaction_description on transactions(description);
-create table transaction_accounts(profile varchar not null, transaction_id integer not null, order_no integer not null, account_name varchar not null, currency varchar not null default '', amount decimal not null, comment varchar, constraint fk_transaction_accounts_acc foreign key(profile,account_name) references accounts(profile,name), constraint fk_transaction_accounts_trn foreign key(profile, transaction_id) references transactions(profile,id), generation integer default 0);
+create table transaction_accounts(profile varchar not null, transaction_id integer not null, order_no integer not null, account_name varchar not null, currency varchar not null default '', amount decimal not null, comment varchar, generation integer default 0, constraint fk_transaction_accounts_acc foreign key(profile,account_name) references accounts(profile,name), constraint fk_transaction_accounts_trn foreign key(profile, transaction_id) references transactions(profile,id));
create unique index un_transaction_accounts_order on transaction_accounts(profile, transaction_id, order_no);
create table currencies(id integer not null primary key, name varchar not null, position varchar not null, has_gap boolean not null);
-- updated to revision 39
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