public void setThemeId(Object o) {
+ public void markTransactionsAsNotPresent(SQLiteDatabase db) {
+ db.execSQL("UPDATE transactions set keep=0 where profile=?", new String[]{uuid});
+ }
+ public void markAccountsAsNotPresent(SQLiteDatabase db) {
+ db.execSQL("update account_values set keep=0 where profile=?;", new String[]{uuid});
+ db.execSQL("update accounts set keep=0 where profile=?;", new String[]{uuid});
+ }
+ public void deleteNotPresentAccounts(SQLiteDatabase db) {
+ db.execSQL("delete from account_values where keep=0 and profile=?", new String[]{uuid});
+ db.execSQL("delete from accounts where keep=0 and profile=?", new String[]{uuid});
+ }
+ public void markTransactionAsPresent(SQLiteDatabase db, LedgerTransaction transaction) {
+ db.execSQL("UPDATE transactions SET keep = 1 WHERE profile = ? and id=?",
+ new Object[]{uuid, transaction.getId()
+ });
+ }
+ public void markTransactionsBeforeTransactionAsPresent(SQLiteDatabase db,
+ LedgerTransaction transaction) {
+ db.execSQL("UPDATE transactions SET keep=1 WHERE profile = ? and id < ?",
+ new Object[]{uuid, transaction.getId()
+ });
+ }
+ public void deleteNotPresentTransactions(SQLiteDatabase db) {
+ db.execSQL("DELETE FROM transactions WHERE profile=? AND keep = 0", new String[]{uuid});
+ }